Friday, March 14, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge

 I got my blood drawn yesterday. I don't suggest it to anyone. Unless you are donating blood and you're not afraid of needles.....

Today is the first day of spring break, so I decided to do a challenge (this one is called the 30 day writing challenge) since I never can think of something to write about. Today's question is this:

What are some basic things about yourself?

The first question is boring, I know. It gets better though later.

My name is Emma, as you probably already know.

I am in 8th grade almost 9th.

I stink at grammar and typing.

Favorite- Book (Single): (I wish i could tell you, but I usually only really like series books)

               Book (Series): The Girl of Fire and Thorns (Rae Carson)

               Movie: FROZEN (Disney)

               Food: Fruit: Peaches and Cherries
                         Vegetable: Corn
                         Dessert: Ice cream (strawberry or vanilla chocolate chip)

               Sport: Ice Skating and Swimming (I do these for fun, not competitively)

               Song: Let it go (Idina Menzel- Disney)

               Color: Red

               Subject in school: Elective: Art

                                           Core: P.E. or Stretch

Hopefully I will remember to post one every day, but if i don't, I will come back to that question later.

I like reading comments so post them, even if only two people actually read this.


(find the I)

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